Much pit-bull rhetoric is not based in experience

I must admit that every time I see the breed-ban ramblings of Dr. Stanley Coren, I have to smile. Not that I'm agreeing with him but at times he can be so out of whack, he's downright funny.

As someone who has shared her entire adult life with 'gamebred' American pit bull terriers, I question comments based solely on what appear to be selective paper trails not proven by "hands-on" experience.

Bragging that all puppies from certain lines must be separated from their dams at the precise age of five weeks is pretty damning. I assume Coren has not only seen a number of these litters, but is intimately familiar with the pedigrees and history of all stock in question.

Otherwise, he is simply parroting the same clichéd hyperbole breed detractors trot out at every opportunity.

Unfortunately, in his mention of Doberman registrations, it's not hyperbole Coren is guilty of. Either Paul Walton misunderstood Coren, or he was told a gross untruth.

In this country, regulations enforced by the Canadian Kennel Club insist puppies must be permanently identified before leaving for their new homes, and owners issued registration papers within a period of six months. Once ownership has changed hands, neither the breeder, the parent club or the CKC has the power to "revoke papers" at their discretion.

It was also unfortunate no mention was made of the current situations in the Netherlands and Germany -- two countries with long "priors" in breed banning. Both found the practice somewhat less than productive, and have recently dropped all such legislation at a national level.

The American pit bull terrier and its relatives have a long and proven record in service to mankind. Sadly, little time is ever given by the media to those of us who toe the line, because owners with 'clean' records, decent bank accounts and positive reputations skew statistics and defy stereotypes. Nobody who has ever jumped on the pitbull 'hate' wagon wants to admit they could possibly be wrong; that would never 'sell.'

Dawne Deeley



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